Focus & Creativity (Feb ’18)

About the Download

“Logic will get you from A to B. Imagination will take you everywhere” – Albert Einstein

This audio, which can be used during work, study or meditation uses alternating sequences of Beta, Alpha and Theta waves to encourage fluid and abstract creative thinking (Alpha & Theta), while at the same time maintaining a state of focus (Beta) for effective problem solving and high-level information processing.


The first hour features binaural beats, while the second part features isochronic tones. For each one hour session, the frequencies cycle through three frequency bands in 5 minute increments….

Beta (12Hz) → Alpha (8-8.5hz) → Beta (13Hz) → Theta (7-7.5hz) → Beta (14hz) → Alpha (10hz) → Beta (14.5hz) → Theta (7-7.5hz) → Beta (15hz) → Alpha (10hz) → Beta (15.5hz) → Theta (7-7.5hz)

This quick interplay between beta and theta/alpha promotes a balance between concrete thought and creative abstraction. This way we can encourage and bring to light new insights, generate new & original ideas, contemplate a concept from various points of view, and problem solve holistically. The beta phases serve to not only promote focus and concentration, but to also analyse, organise and therefore make sense of the abstractions derived from the more non linear holistic mind states induced by Theta and Alpha. In addition to using this audio during work or study, you can also use it in a rested state while meditating to assist with creative visualisation.

How do I listen?

Headphones are recommended for best results. Listen at a quiet volume, or any level that you find non-intrusive. Listen during study or any task which requires focus and ‘out-of-the-box’ thinking. The addition of alpha and theta waves means that you can also use this session for meditation and creative visualisation, for which a rested state is ideal.

Amplitude Entrainment

Note that the efficacy of Binaural Beats can often be dramatically diminished (or rendered totally ineffective) when combined with musical backdrops, drones, ambient nature sounds etc. This is why in all our tracks we utilise the addition of Amplitude Entrainment (aka Amplitude Modulation) in addition to Binaurals. Amplitude Entrainment involves embedding the frequencies within the background sounds, in this case the drone and rain fx. The faint pulsing effect that you hear is the volume being modulated in sync with the binaural beat frequency. This counteracts the interference which inevitably occurs between the binaural carrier frequencies and background sounds, ensuring a more potent and authentic brainwave entrainment experience where the two audible elements can work in tandem instead of clashing. Amplitude entrainment is administered in a way which is not too prominent in the mix, but just loud enough to have a noticeable effect.