5 Tips for Dealing with Seasonal Affective Disorder

If you start feeling down when winter rolls in, you may be suffering from seasonal affective disorder (SAD). This is a condition that seems to plague more people during the darker fall and winter months, but it’s also a condition you can handle with some healthy lifestyle changes. If SAD has you in a funk, here are some tips to help you fight those feelings.

Research Supplements Before Taking Them

If you have experienced a lack of energy lately, you may be wondering if supplements can help you get it back. Vitamins and supplements can be a great alternative for boosting your mood and health, but you need to know which ones will work for you. Take your whole health into account and look for supplements that support all aspects of your well-being. For instance, if your loss of energy is also accompanied by mood swings and anxiety, you may be better off with an energy supplement option that also boosts your mental health.

Use Healthy Means to Manage Mental Health

Many people report increased feelings of depression during the winter, and this is one of the most common symptoms of SAD. While much of your mental health is related to stress and other elements, inflammation has also been shown to worsen existing mental health issues. If you typically feel more depressed in the winter, taking a natural anti-inflammatory like CBD oil could help you feel better again. Studies have shown CBD to be a promising treatment for inflammation throughout your body, and it can even reduce depression-related anxieties. Another way to give your mood a boost is to organize and clean your home. Decluttering, cleaning, and opening the blinds could have you feeling more positive.

Talk Over Treatments with a Healthcare Provider

Taking control of your health has some definite benefits, but you should always consult your doctor before beginning any new treatment options. Talking to your doctor about your symptoms will provide an opportunity to rule out any other health issues that could be causing your mood swings and depression while helping to develop the most effective approach for providing relief. Your healthcare provider may prescribe therapy or medication as part of your overall treatment, and may also recommend the use of light therapy. Exposure to specialty lamps has been shown to boost energy levels and diminish feelings of depression, but you should only use them as recommended by your healthcare provider.

Keep Your Body Moving from Season to Season

Regular exercise may be one of the most simple ways to manage your seasonal affective disorder symptoms. Research shows that exercise can support your mood by increasing the endorphins produced in your brain. It’s an effective, natural remedy for feelings of anxiety and depression, and of course, it keeps your body healthy as well. If you need some ideas to get you started, try some of these mood-elevating exercise routines. Tai chi is a gentle means of taming and reducing stress, while yoga can boost your flexibility, muscle tone, and mental satisfaction. Working out on a routine basis is one of the healthiest ways you can improve your mood, enhance your energy levels, and provide support for your overall health.

Spend More Time with Your Pets

If you have a cat or dog, then the answer to your winter blues may be finding more ways to bond together. Being around your pet has been proven to increase feelings of connectivity and happiness, which can be helpful for SAD-related depression. Plus, carving out some time for your canine companion can have some additional benefits as well. Research shows that dog owners tend to be more active due to all those walks and park runs. So, hanging out with your pup can also be a big boost for your workout goals, as well as providing the additional mental support you need during the colder seasons.

Don’t spend another winter in the dark when it comes to combating seasonal affective disorder. With the right supplements, some healthy tools, and better lifestyle choices, you can conquer those winter blues and get back to your normal self again.

Photo Credit: Pixabay

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