StudyRoom (AKA Study Aid 12)

About the Download

Brain entrainment sounds help focus your mind during study. Play around with the volume – it’s okay to have it barely audible; just so long as you can hear the pulsing effect.

StudyRoom features both binaurals and isochronics and the pitch alternates every 10 mins or so…this idea was inspired by a comment I received in an online questionnaire; “…the impetus is that as one is utilizing the study aid for a period of time, a change in pitch might realign ones study, or foster new ideas…”.

The subliminal messages are masked underneath the white/pink noise segments, which play throughout for around 5-10 mins at a time.

“I complete my tasks and attain my goals”
“I have the motivation to succeed”
“All my senses are in focus”
“My mind is alert and attentive”
“I can easily focus my attention”
“I am able to maintain my focus”
“I enjoy studying”